Prison Gospel Choir


There is something special about singing in community with others.  That is why I became a song leader; to help others find the release and fun in song.  I am a member of Kapiti Gospel Choir. and the Song Leaders Network of Aotearoa.  I can run workshops for groups of all abilities to find their voice and enjoy the great body feel of singing.

Previous project:

In 2015, I worked with Shona McNeil to pioneer the first gospel choir in Arohata Women’s prison

“I personally would like to thank you and Liana for the huge positive impact you created for our women, who were able to stand tall, hold their heads up high and perform with confidence and beauty….  It  helped the majority of them to step outside their comfort zone and explore new avenues and skills that they did not even know they possessed.

Arohata Prison Gospel Choir Project

“It was fantastic how you were able to work with the women and connect with them immediately which made them instantly relax and focused on the task in hand.”

Arohata Prison Gospel Choir Project

Nature Sounds on Song Camp

It was a real priveledge to work with Carol Shortis on her Women's song camp in January.  We spent a weekend at Waiohanga lodge in wonderful company singing, eating great food, swimming in the river and doing a weed walk.  I helped run an evening singing session amongst the trees and ran a few non singing challenges as well; group juggling and tightrope walking no less!


outdoor adventures and nature connection on song campDSC06450


The highlight for me was leading a sounds of nature session where we first tuned into listening to each other to solve a knotty rope problem and then a relaxing and focussing experience in listening to nature and then walking through nature together in silence.  We all noticed so much more and when we broke our silence and talked together afterwards about our experience, many said how moving that was for them.

Thanks Carol and Juli for including me.