Visual facilitation at Strengthening Communities Hui

What a pleasure it was to be the MC/facilitator for the Strengthening Communities Hui at Te Mahurehure Marae in Auckland.  For the first time, three fantastic national networks held their annual hui together; Community Recycling Network, Community Energy Network and Environment Hubs Aotearoa.  They not only saved resources by collaborating, but inspired and upskilled thier members and came up with some great ideas for boosting the community enterprise sector as well.  I set myself the challenge of graphically recording each main session.  People seemed to like the memory prompt for each session and it made for an engaging way to get feedback from all on how the Hui was for them.

The little caravan of consultation

In January 2016 I worked with the Department of Conservation to design a community consultation installation. We “pimped” a cute Caravan to encourage and enable people to have their say about the management of the Paparoa National Park.  We created a feel of an old bush hut and a chat around a kitchen table with a cup of tea.  We won a Champion prize at the Ingangahua A&P show and even more importantly the engagement of many local people.