In the flow in wild water
I really love swimming in wild water - the ocean, a cold river, a high mountain tarn.
I was interviewed recently for Radio New Zealand about it and you can listen here:
I also love the company of others - particularly in the wild surf or when stingrays or sharks are about.
Sure it keeps me fit, but I am never going to win any races. The reason I do it is about the full body experience; the tingle on your skin, the wakeup call to all your senses, the moment you start to relax into the flow of moving through the water.
I'm lucky to live where there is still water clean enough to swim in. I know not enough of Aotearoa's waterways are.
Lets never let go of our love for wild swimming. Lets get out in the water and lets speak out for cleaner rivers and seas. The folks at I choose clean water seem pretty cool to work with.