There is a wild child in all of us

Re-wild your Grown up activities are fun outdoor experience for kids and their carers to “Go wild!” and learn more things to do outside. We explore a local wild place, get messy and experience more fully the wonders of nature. They are great chance to get off those screens for a bit and reconnect with yourself, your family and your place. Behind these uniquely designed adventures is some of the latest thinking about the importance of nature connection for the rounded development of kids. But the experience is not just for the kids; its for their carers too, who get "taught" how to be wild by the kids.

Be-spoke crafted Re-wilds for young people

There are so many good reasons to connect our kids to nature. Liana has experience working with kids outdoors from 3-18, from one hour mini adventures to weekend camps. But her specialty is focussing on the emotional and psychological connection, not only the physical and team challenges. She can design an experience for your needs.

“Today, kids are aware of the global threats to the environment, but their physical contact, their intimacy with nature, is fading.”

“We had so much fun. The location was awesome. The boys loved making me a nest and I loved lying their listening to the nature sounds around me. The boys had the chance to watch others and get ideas of how to be wild.”

Re-wild your Grown-up Participant

“Liana was an enchanting leader of both kids and grown-ups. It was an invigorating afternoon, with everyone leaving with smiles and wild sparkles in their eyes”

Re-wild your Grown-up Participant

Click here for more information and ideas about  whats important for kids and nature connection.